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​The furu' al-din: These are the actions which we must perform to help us stay good Muslims. They are like the branches of the tree. They include the following:

  1. Salat – Praying five times a day

  2. Sawm – Fasting in Ramadan

  3. Hajj – Performing the yearly Hajj ritual at least once in a lifetime if possible

  4. Zakat – This is a tax for Muslims on certain things. The money that is taxed is then used to help other poor Muslims.

  5. Khums – a religious tax for Muslims. Half of it goes to poor living relatives of the Prophet Mohammad and the remaining half is called the portion of Imam religious authorities towards helping Muslim communities. For example, the marji may decide that the money may go towards feeding and housing orphans.

  6. Jihad – defending Muslim community when they are attacked during war. It involves fighting in the path of Allah in response to the call from the Prophet or the Imam of that time.

  7. Amr bi l-Ma’ruf: This means to encourage and praise actions which make Allah (swt) happy. For example it would be a duty on a Muslim to remind people to give money to the poor and to help those who are in need.

  8. Nahi ‘an al-munkar: forbidding the evil actions. This includes reminding our family and friends to stay away from doing things which Allah does not allow us to do. For example it is the duty of a Muslim to remind his or her brother not to lie or steal money.

  9. Tawalli : This means to love our Prophet and the 12 Imams and stay friends with their followers.

  10. Tabarri It means that we should remain stay away and dislike the enemies of our Prophet and the Imams.

In all parts of our lives we take advise from experts. When we are sick, we see a doctor, when we want to build a house, we speak to an engineer.  Likewise, when it comes to Islamic rulings regarding the above furoo al deen, we must obey the rulings of the experts of that Law. Those experts are called Mujtahids and they help us understand and follow the everyday rules of being a good Muslim; and the act of obeying their rulings is called taqlid.

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